Understanding Rust's Array Conversion: When Copying Isn't Really Copying
2 min read

Understanding Rust's Array Conversion: When Copying Isn't Really Copying

When converting slices to fixed-size arrays in Rust, there's an interesting interplay between language semantics and compiler optimizations. Let's dive into a common pattern and understand what's actually happening under the hood.

The Code in Question

fn ipv4_from_slice(s: &[u8]) -> IpAddr {
    let addr: [u8; 4] = s[..4].try_into().expect("Slice with incorrect length");

Language Semantics vs. Runtime Reality

At first glance, this code appears to:

  1. Allocate a new 4-byte array on the stack (addr)
  2. Copy data from the slice into this array (via try_into())
  3. Convert the array into an IpAddr

But is that what really happens at runtime? Not quite!

Understanding try_into()

Let's look at the actual implementation of try_into() for slices:

impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<&[T]> for [T; N]
    T: Copy,
    type Error = TryFromSliceError;

    fn try_from(slice: &[T]) -> Result<[T; N], TryFromSliceError> {
        if slice.len() == N {
            // SAFETY: We just checked that the slice has the correct length
            Ok(unsafe { *(slice.as_ptr() as *const [T; N]) })
        } else {

The magic happens in that unsafe block. Instead of copying data, it:

  1. Checks if the slice length matches the array length
  2. If it matches, reinterprets the slice's memory as an array through a pointer cast
  3. No actual memory copying occurs!

The Stack Allocation That Isn't

When we write:

let addr: [u8; 4] = ...

From the language's perspective, this declares a new array that should be allocated on the stack. However, modern compilers are incredibly smart about optimizations. They can see that:

  1. We're just reinterpreting existing memory (via try_into())
  2. The original data's lifetime covers our needs
  3. No actual mutation of the data occurs

Therefore, the compiler can optimize away the stack allocation entirely. The final machine code might just work directly with the original memory location.

Why Write It This Way Then?

If the compiler optimizes away our explicit array, why not just use references? There are several good reasons:

  1. Type Safety: The array type [u8; 4] explicitly states our requirements
  2. Ownership Clarity: We're making it clear we want to own this data
  3. Zero-Cost Abstraction: We get the safety of Rust's type system with the performance of optimized code
  4. Maintainability: The code clearly expresses our intent while letting the compiler handle the optimization

The Power of Zero-Cost Abstractions

This is a perfect example of Rust's zero-cost abstractions principle. We write code that's:

  • Clear about its intentions
  • Type-safe
  • Semantically correct
  • Easy to understand

While the compiler ensures it runs with:

  • No unnecessary copies
  • No unnecessary allocations
  • Maximum efficiency


What looks like a memory allocation and copy operation in Rust source code often compiles down to much more efficient operations. This is the beauty of Rust's design: it allows us to write safe, clear code while the compiler handles the heavy lifting of optimization.

The next time you see a slice-to-array conversion in Rust, remember that what you're seeing in the source code isn't necessarily what's happening in the final binary. The compiler is working hard behind the scenes to make your code both safe and fast.

✨ This blog was written by AI! 🤖